
Showing posts from November, 2018

A Taiwanese Teaching World History Class in U.S.

It has been a while since I updated this blog. What have I done in the past few months? First of all, my wife and I have a new baby boy. Academically, I have finalized a dissertation chapter, written a new chapter draft on the historical memory of New York Loyalists, and I am teaching my own class of world history from 1500 to present. I am writing another new dissertation chapter now on the Anglican Loyalists in New York. Writing dissertation, like many people have said, is a hell-like experience. It is like being "cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone." (Rev. 19:20) But, fire could also refine us, as long as we can stand through it. Let's hope that I will stand through it. So far, I really enjoy my first experience teaching my own class. I will be lying if I said I don't feel good when students call me "professor." (Sometimes they called me "Dr.", and I had to correct them, which made me even more eager to become one.)   But...