My CV (Publication, honors, awards)


·   Mandarin Chinese translation of Jill Lepore’s These Truths: A History of the United States. Taipei: Marco Polo Books, October 6, 2020. (Co-translate with Feng-en Tu)

·   The Revolutionary Memories of New York Loyalists: Thomas Jones and William Smith.” Journal of the American Revolution Annual Volume 2020 (Westholme, 2020)

·   “Variety of Enlightenment: Review of Gertrude Himmelfarb, The Roads to Modernity: the British, French and American Enlightenments.” Shih Yuan 23 (2011.9).   (Shih Yuan is a peer-reviewed journal in Taiwan.)


Awards, Grants, and Fellowships

·   Student Paper Prize, 62nd Missouri Conference on History, The State Historical Society of Missouri, 2020. (The best student paper presented on 62nd Missouri Conference on History.) 

·   Travel fund from Missouri Humanities Council, 2019.

·   American History Forum Fund, Department of History, Saint Louis University, 2019.

·   Visiting Researcher, David Library of the American Revolution, July 30 to August 15, 2016.

·   2016-2017 Library Resident Research Fellow at the American Philosophical Society, July 2016.

·   Residential Research Fellowship, Robert H. Smith International Center for Jefferson Studies, July 2015.

·   1818 Fund, History Department, Saint Louis University, 2015, 2016, 2018.

·   Saint Louis University Graduate Student Association Conference Presentation Award, 2013-14.

·   Institute for Humane Studies Hayek Fund for Scholars, 2013, 2016

·   Studying Abroad Scholarship, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, 2012-2013.



·   “Placing Loyalist Political Arguments in the American Revolutionary Tradition” will be presented at the Consortium on the Revolutionary Era, 1750-1850, February 26, 2021.

·   “Order and Liberty: The Conservative Liberty of New York Loyalists” would have been presented at 2020 Shawnee Trail Regional Conference on American Politics and Constitutionalism, Waco, TX, April 3, 2020. (Cancelled due to COVID-19)

·   “Order and Liberty: The Conservative Liberty in New York Loyalist Political Persuasion,” presented at 62nd Annual Missouri Conference on History, St. Louis, MO. March 12-13, 2020.

·   “Contesting Definitions of Liberty: The Dialogues of Liberty between American Patriots, American Loyalists, and British Whigs in the American Revolution” presented at 2020 Newberry Library Multidisciplinary Graduate Student Conference, Chicago, IL, January 23-25, 2020.

·   “‘Honor the King:’ Anglican Loyalism in Revolutionary New York” presented at 61st Annual Missouri Conference on History, Kansas City, MO, March 7-9, 2019. 

·   “Historical Memories and New York Loyalists’ Interpretations of the American Revolution” presented at Front Range Early American Consortium Annual Conference, Logan, UT, October 5-6, 2018.

·   “‘Restoring Peace, Order and good Government again in this Country:’ the cultural-political assumptions of Anglican Clergymen in Revolutionary New York” presented at Religion and Politics in Early America Conference, Saint Louis, MO, March 1-4, 2018.

·   “Cultural Loyalism in Revolutionary New York,” presented at Front Range Early American Consortium Annual Conference, Boise, Idaho, October 6-7, 2017.

·   “Historical Memory and New York Loyalists’ Interpretation of the American Revolution,” presented at 59th Annual Missouri Conference on History, Springfield, Missouri, March 22-24, 2017.

·   “Fear of Anarchy: Loyalist Concept of Limited Liberty,” presented at 2016 Anglo-Taiwanese History Conference, London, England, August 31-September 2, 2016.

·   “Loyalist Cultural Assumptions in New York Loyalist Newspapers, 1774-1776,” presented at “Propaganda, Persuasion, the Press and the American Revolution, 1763-1783” Conference, Hong Kong, China, April 26-27, 2016.

·   “Loyalist Cultural Assumptions in New York Loyalist Newspapers, 1774-1776,” presented at 58th Annual Missouri Conference on History, Columbia, Missouri, March 9-11, 2016.

·   “‘Peace, Order and Happiness Were Restored:’ The Loyalist Concept of Liberty in Revolutionary New York,” presented at 2015 British Group in Early American History Annual Meeting, Sheffield, England, September 6-9, 2015.

·   “Loyalist Dialogues with Revolutionaries and the Loyalist Political Culture in Revolutionary New York,” presented at 2015 Organization of American Historians Annual Meeting, Saint Louis, MO, April 16-19 2015. (Panel organizer)

·   “Loyalist Dialogues with Revolutionaries and the Loyalist Political Culture in Revolutionary New York,” presented at Institute for Humane Studies Academic Research Colloquium, Orange County, CA, July 10-13 2014.

·   “Science as a Tool for Mission: Matteo Ricci’s Interpretation of Chinese Culture and His Proselyting Strategy,” presented at “Translating Culture, Negotiating Difference: Religion, Law, and Business” Conference, Saint Louis, MO, March 28-29 2014.

·   “Order and Peace as Conditions of Liberty: Samuel Seabury’s Loyalist Political Ideas,” presented at Phi Alpha Theta Biennial National Convention, Albuquerque, New Mexico, January 2-4 2014.

·   “Order and Peace as Conditions of Liberty: Samuel Seabury’s Loyalist Political Ideas,” presented at Institute for Humane Studies Academic Research Colloquium, Fairfax, VA, November 15-17 2013.

·   “The Political Thought of Samuel Seabury,” presented at American History Forum at Saint Louis University, Saint Louis, MO, September 4 2013.

·   “Edmund Burke’s Concept of Liberty and the American Revolution,” presented at the Intermountain Graduate Research Symposium, Logan, Utah, April 2011.

·   “Edmund Burke’s Concept of Liberty and the American Revolution,” presented at Utah Regional Phi Alpha Theta Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 2011.


Public Lectures and Media Appearances

·   “Episode 12: Cho-Chien Feng,” Dispatches: The Podcast of the Journal of the American Revolution, April 28, 2019. (

·   “How Studying History Help Us Recognizing and Breaking Group Thinking” was given at the annual meeting of Taiwanese Scholars Association at Saint Louis, Saint Louis, MO, April 6, 2019.

·    “The Dilemma of Independence: Today’s Taiwan and the Debates on the Eve of the American Revolution” was given as the keynote speech at the annual meeting of Saint Louis Taiwanese American Association, Saint Louis, MO, October 13, 2018.


Public History Blog

·   “How did the Framers Come out with the Unique System of the Electoral College?” (美國的建國先賢是如何討論出獨一無二的「選舉人團」制度?), The News Lens (關鍵評論), November 22, 2020 ( (Published in Chinese).

·   “Rethinking Today’s Taiwan from the Stories of the Patriots and Loyalists in the American Revolution – Liberty’s Exiles (從美國獨立革命的效忠派與愛國者,重新思考今日的台灣—《新世界的流亡者》), Gushi (故事), October 24, 2020 ( (Published in Chinese).

·   “In Memoriam: Michal Jan Rozbicki,” The Junto Blog, November 27, 2019 (

·   “Not Every Colonist Wanted to Separate from the Great Britain – Loyalists Who Were Canceled in the American Revolutionary War” (不是每個殖民地人民都想脫離英國—美國獨立戰爭中被消音的「效忠派」), Gushi (故事), August 28, 2019 ( (Published in Chinese).  

·   “Was the Declaration of Independence a work of genius or a declaration reflecting the collective ideas of its own time?” (美國的《獨立宣言》是天縱之才的鉅作,還只是份順勢而成的文告), Gushi (故事), July 23, 2018 ( (Published in Chinese).

·   “To be independent or not: What was written in the American newspapers on July 4, 1776?” (獨立不獨立:177674日這一天,新聞報紙上都寫了些什麼?), Gushi (故事), July 4, 2017 ( (Published in Chinese).



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